Monday, September 26, 2011

[joke] Why Mahatma Gandhi walked on foot?

God decided to encourage people to have fewer children and introduced
an award scheme… During the procedure at one point, he concentrated on
learning about the situation in India:

He first met Jawaharlal Nehru in heaven, and asked him how many
children he had during his time on earth. Nehru replied… only one!
Happy with the relatively good family planning adopted, God awarded
Nehru with a Celestial Rolls Royce!

Indira Gandhi was next, and God asked the same question. She replied
she had two children, and God thought, not too bad, so he gave her a

Dr. Radhakrishnan was next in line. God was not pleased to hear that
he had six children, and gave him a Morris-8 as a kind of punishment…

Sometime later, the three (Nehru, Indira and Radhakrishnan) going
around in their new cars, saw Mahatma Gandhi on foot!!! Wondering what
went wrong; they asked why God hadn't been merciful with him…

The Mahatma replied in disgust, "God did not even ask me!!! Some
idiots had told him that I am the father of the nation!"

Monday, September 19, 2011

Undress women with photoshop [tutorial]

Here's a tutorial to undress a woman using photoshop. And you will not Photoshop's content aware feature to use this. Any old version of photoshop can be used and it is very easy. Check out the tutorial for more.

Take it with a grain of salt. :)

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Wednesday, September 14, 2011

[joke] The Indian and the American

On  a New York sidewalk, an Indian is enjoying a hearty  breakfast

"Coffee,croissants,toast,butter,jam etc. While an  American,chewing a
gum,sat next 2 him n started an unwanted  conversation..
American: You indians eat the whole  bread?
Indian: Of course!

American: (Blowing bubbles with his  gum) we dont. We, americans only
eat what's inside. We collect the  crust in a container,recycle,make
these in 2 croissants and sell these  to indians!

American: Do u eat jam with bread?
Indian: of  course!
American: (Chuckling n crackling his gum between his teeth)  we dont.
We eat fruits for breakfast, put all the peels, seeds and  leftovers
into containers, turn these into jam and sell it to  indians.!

Indian: Do u have sex in America?
American: Of  course, we do!
Indian: Wht do u do with the used  condoms?

American: We throw them away, of  course!

Indian: We dont. In india we put them into containers,  recycle them,
turn it into chewing gums and sell them to the  Americans.

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