Wednesday, August 4, 2010

Mexican drug lord's home busted

Photos of a Mexican Drug Lord's home after a drug bust

Cache of $100 bills behind the narc cop.

A small collection of guns (real gold in them), suppressors, and ammunition -- a gold Kalashnikov among others,

Gold and Titanium 45 Caliber semi automatic pistols - they found 16 like this!

They also had millions in Columbian money and Mexican Pesos although
they preferred American dollars for the most part.
There were even some stacks of Chinese Yen found in one closet.

Each of these stacks of 100's holds 250,000 (a quarter of a million dollars)!

Stacks of cash were found in every nook and cranny

This case is filled with 100 dollar Bills estimated to be 1/2 a
million dollars and no Doubt headed out to make another drug buy, perhaps from the Columbians

Guns were hidden all over the house along with ample Ammo just in case
of trouble.

This pile of cash before it was counted was estimated to be
approximately 18 Million Dollars!
After it was counted it turned out to be a little more than 22 Million Dollars!

More Gold machine guns and pistols - most were never fired, just held for collection value

Exotic art collection - some of which was illegal to own - some stolen

The back yard pool

A collection of exotic animals

A very rare albino Tiger

7 Lions were on the property

Man made cave and jacuzzi inside the home

A quaint little villa in the hills

This guy had a better gun collection that most legitimate museums do

357 Magnum semi automatic with solid gold grips

Gold and Titanium 45 Caliber semi automatic pistols - they found 16 like this!

They just burned it all down!

The money and valuables found in this one house alone, would be enough to pay for health insurance for every man woman and child in the U.S.A. For 12 years! There are believed to be approximately 27 more of these houses in Mexico alone not to mention the ones in other countries who are enriching themselves in the drug trade.

These people have so much money, they make the Arab oil sheiks look like welfare recipients.
Their money can buy the best politicians, the best cops, the best judges, whatever they need they just throw down stacks of cash and it is theirs!This is why the drug problem is so difficult to fight.

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