Thursday, January 14, 2010

Friendship is not about ..., its about ... :)

Friendship is not about "I m sorry "  its about "साले ! तेरै गल्ती  थियो |"

Friendship is not about "I missed u "  it's about " कहाँ मरेको थियीस साले ?"

Friendship is not about "I understand "  its about "सबै तैले गर्दा भएको हो मुला"

Friendship is not about "I care for u  "  its about " साले तँलाई छोडेर कहाँ जान्छु र ?"

Friendship is not about "I m happy for ur success "its about "ल अब पार्टी खुवा "

Friendship is not about "I love that girl"  its about "साला, इज्ज़त गर तेरी भाउजुलाई "

Friendship is not about "R u coming for outing tomorrow " its about "नाटक गर्ने हैन, भोलि  घुम्न जाने  खुरुक्क "

Friendship is not about "Get well soon " its about " तेत्रो रक्सि ढोके पछि येस्तै हुन्छ|"

Friendship is not about "All the best for ur exam" its about "धेरै  भयो, लाइट स्वित्च ओफ्फ़ गरेर सुत् त मलाई दिस्तर्ब भयो| "

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